Oakwood Cemetery


(231) 922-4907


City of Traverse City
Oakwood Cemetery
1720 Hannah Avenue
Traverse City, MI 49686
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Phil Jewell


Gabby Morgan

Office Clerk

Office Hours

Closed Most Federal Holidays

Cemetery Hours

Open between sunrise and sunset

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The City's Oakwood Cemetery opened in 1861 and was designed as a "garden-style cemetery." Oakwood Cemetery was actually 4 cemeteries on the same property: the Catholic Cemetery, the City Cemetery, the Jewish Cemetery, and the Northern Michigan Asylum Cemetery, which is mostly unmarked. The park-like setting within 65 acres holds a lot of history and is the final resting place for a number of individuals that made an impact on what the City of Traverse City is today.

Maintenance & Decorations at Oakwood Cemetery

Starting October 1st, the dedicated team at Oakwood Cemetery will begin their fall maintenance procedures and all articles placed on cemetery plots should be promptly removed. If articles are not removed from plots, they will be disposed of accordingly.

Beginning December 1st, winter wreaths are warmly welcomed on the plots, but must be removed by March 31st. Additional items may not be placed until May 7th to make way for spring maitence. Items placed before May 7th may be removed by the City.