Report An Issue

Report an issue with us!

Thank you for contributing to the management and maintenance of public property within the City of Traverse City. Together we can keep our city beautiful!

Make sure your issue is eligible

Is your issue within the City limits? If so, then you are in the right place. If your issue is outside of the City, in a surrounding township, you will need to call that particular jurisdiction regarding your issue

Gather Information

Make sure you are able to give a clear description of the location for the issue - a specific address works best if applicable.

Report a Malfunctioning Street Light or Wire Down

Did you notice a street light malfunctioning or wire down?
Call Traverse City Light & Power: (231) 922-4940

Report a Malfunctioning Traffic Signal

Did you notice a traffic signal malfunctioning?
Call the Streets Division: (231) 922-4900 x119 or x112
Central Dispatch - Non Emergency: (231) 922-4550

Report an Issue with a Tree on Public Property

Notice an issue with a tree on public property?
Call the Parks & Recreation Division: (231) 922-4900 x122 or x114

Submit a Tree Issue Online

Report a Dead Animal in the Street

Did you notice a dead animal in the street?
Call the Street Divisions: (231) 922-4901 x119 or x112

Report a Missing or Damaged Street Sign

Notice a missing or damaged street sign?
Call the Street Divisions: (231) 922-4901 x119 or x112

Report a Pothole

Have you noticed a pothole?
Call the Street Divisions: (231) 922-4901 x119 or x112

Report a Trash Issue in a City Park or Public Property

Did you see trash or litter within a City park or on public property?
Call the Parks & Recreation Division: (231) 922-4900 x112 or x114

Report Broken Playground Equipment in a City Park

Have you noticed damaged playground equipment in a City park?
Call the Parks & Recreation Division: (231) 922-4900 x122 or x114

Report Graffiti on a Public Property

Have you spotted graffiti on public property?
Call the Parks & Recreation Division: (231) 922-4900 x122 or x119

Report an Issue with a City Sidewalk

Have you noiced an issue with a City sidewalk?
Call the Street Divisions: (231) 922-4901 x119 or x112

Report a Beached Boat

Have you spotted a beached boat?
Call the Michigan DNR: (231) 922-5280
US Coast Guard: (231) 941-1405
Central Dispatch - Non Emergency: (231) 922-4550

Report an issue with a Catch Basin

Have an issue with a catch basin?
Call the Street Divisions: (231) 922-4901 x119 or x112

Report a Downed Power Line

Have you spotted a downed power line?
Call Traverse City Light & Power: (231) 922-4940

Report an Ordinance Violation

Have you spotted an ordinance violation around the City?
Contact the Code Enforcement: (231) 922-4414

Traffic Committee Request Form

City residents and businesses can submit traffic and parking requests for their neighborhoods and the commercial district by completing this questionnaire. Once submitted, the requests are reviewed by the City’s Traffic Committee, which typically meets on the second Thursday of each month. Requests submitted by the end of the month will be reviewed at the following month’s meeting. The committee carefully evaluates each concern, assesses its potential impact on the community, and determines the appropriate course of action. Feedback and decisions from the committee are then communicated back to the residents to ensure transparency and address the concerns effectively.

Traffic Committee Request