ACT 345 Retirement System


AN ACT to provide for the establishment, maintenance, and administration of a system of pensions and retirements for the benefit of the personnel of fire and police departments employed by cities, villages, or municipalities having full paid members in the departments, and for the spouses and children of the members; to provide for the creation of a board of trustees to manage and operate the system; to authorize appropriations and deductions from salaries; to prescribe penalties and provide remedies; and to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent therewith.

Meeting Schedule
The Board regularly meets the last Tuesday of the month with noted exceptions such as weeks containing a holiday.


Fire Department and Police Department Appointees are 4-year terms and expire 6/30. The Act, however, does not specify length of term of the City Manager appointments.

Board consists of 5 members:

  • The Treasurer of the City
  • An active member of the Fire Department - elected by a majority vote of Fire Department members.
  • An active member of the Police Department - elected by a majority vote of Police Department members.
  • Two additional members appointed by legislative body or by another person authorized to appoint administrative officials.

Staff Liaison:

Jahna Robinson
Deputy City Treasurer/Finance Director
(231) 922-4436


Board Members

Tom Thompson
Fire Dept. Appointee
Fire Station 1
(231) 922-4930
Initial Apt. Date: 07/01/2021
Termination: 06/30/2025

Jerrold Jenkins
City Manager Appointee
502 Washington St.
(231) 922-2581
Initial Apt. Date: 01/10/2001
Termination: Indefinite

Edward Kuhn
City Manager Appointee
412 S. Union St.
(231) 947-7900
Initial Apt. Date: 05/22/2096
Termination: Indefinite

Matt Verschaeve
Police Department Appointee
Police Station
(231) 995-5153
Initial Apt. Date: 10/25/2022
Termination: 06/30/2024

Heidi Scheppe, Treasurer/Finance Director
Statutory Member
Govt. Center
(231) 922-4437
Initial Apt. Date: January 2024
Termination: Indefinite