Residential Parking Program
The Residential Parking Program (RPP) is intended to supplement resident parking needs on a temporary or as-needed basis. The program does not eliminate on-street parking for public use, but aims to limit use by non-residents by enforcing posted time limits.
Residential Permit Rates
Residential Parking
- RPP Permit Fee: Free
- RPP permits are virtual will link the license plate of the vehicle. MI SOS vehicle registration must reflect the property address of the RPP block.
Displacement Parking Permits
- Daily: $5.00
- Month: $40.00
- Residential Displacement permits are required to park past the posted time restrictions and for those who do not qualify for a RPP permit. This permit is available for contractors and subcontractors performing work in residential areas. This permit is also used when parkers are requested to park on the street when parking is not permitted between the hours of 3 am - 6 am.
RPP Request Process
Resident Submits Request for RPP
Any resident may submit a request to This group email will notify Traverse City Parking Services, City Engineering Department designee, and Traffic Committee chairperson. If a letter request is submitted, Parking Services will scan and submit via email. The purpose of the email notification is to provide a trackable form of the process and begin the timeline.
TCPS prepare the request documentation and send to Traffic Committee for review
TCPS will submit a memo to the Traffic Committee to review the request to verify if a block qualifies for residential parking and utilization that warrants restricted time limits. The purpose of the RPP program is to provide residents who live in areas that have increased parking utilization an opportunity to request restricted time limits and have access to a permit that will provide an exemption from the restriction. If a block is underutilized or has a circumstance that does now warrant the request, they would be denied.
Traffic Committee Review
TCPS will notify residents of the outcome of the Traffic Committee’s decision, with documentation of when notification is sent.
If denied, the letter will inform the requestor that their block does not qualify and the reasoning why. Only one request is permitted per year.
If approved, the letter will inform the requestor that their block does qualify and a survey will be sent to all residents of the block.
Block Survey
Surveys will be sent to all property owners of the requesting block.
TCPS will track due due dats for surveys, when surveys are returned, and if surveys are unable to be delivered.
TCPS will tabulate survey results and provide them to the Traffic Committee for verification.
Traffic Committee Verification
If the survey results are favorable, the Traffic Committee will issue necessary TCOs, make signage requests to Department of Public Services, and approve notification be sent to residents. TCPS will work with the Traffic Committee to follow the process and requirements for establishing time restricted zones.
Notification to Residents
TCPS will notify residents of survey results and verification.
If results are favorable, the residents may begin to obtain permits
If results do not have support, communication will indicate that a new request may be made in one year and permits will not be issued.
Residential Parking Program FAQ
Click here for the complete Residential Parking Program Frequently Asked Questions.
What blocks are eligible for the Residential Parking Program (RPP)?
Any non-metered residential block that has a restricted time limit is eligible to obtain RPP permits.
Who is eligible to be surveyed?
Surveys will be sent to residential property owners. Businesses, schools, medical facilities, etc. will not be surveyed.
How do I request to be surveyed?
Anyone interested, should contact Traverse City Parking Services or email The request will be submitted to the City of Traverse City Transportation Committee to verify the block is eligible for RPP. Once the block has been verified, surveys will be sent to residents.
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