Snow Removal

Snow Removal & Safety

Crews directed by the City's Street Superintendent are responsible for clearing winter snow from over 8 miles of State trunkline, 83 miles of City streets, and all non-motorized trails.  Careful consideration has been given to prioritizing the snow removal effort.  The safety and health of the public is always our first priority.

Please be reminded that the City's Street Division is responsible for snow removal in the City limits only. The Grand Traverse County Road Commission is responsible for snow removal outside of the City limits. See the map. 

Street Prioritization

The City is responsible for plowing the public streets and alleys. Safety routes are prioritized — those are the main roads and critical areas that need to stay open for emergency access. The MDOT trunklines and emergency routes receive first priority for clearing snow in the morning and get continually plowed throughout the day if snow continues to accumulate. City crews then move onto major and local streets, and then alleys.

Downtown Snow Plowing & Removal

Snow removal in the Downtown area is typically done in the early morning hours, as this is the only time the City can access all areas. During large snow accumulations overnight, the City will remove the snow in the Downtown and relocate it to another area. The process requires working with a contractor to provide equipment to push the snow off the sidewalks, a road grader to windrow the snow in the center of the road, and 5-10 semi-trucks into which the City snow blows the snow, then hauls it to an offsite location. This operation is conducted only during the early morning hours, typically starting at 11 p.m. and completed by 7 a.m. If it continues to snow throughout the day, streets are still plowed.

Downtown Snow Removal Video 

Keep Your Sidewalk Accessible for Everyone

During winter, the City reminds residents and business owners that they are responsible by ordinance for the removal of any snow and ice that accumulates on the sidewalks immediately adjacent to their property. The City also encourages residents to help their neighbors and relatives who have difficulty removing snow from their sidewalks.

City Sidewalk Snow Plowing

The City provides a supplemental snow plowing program for sidewalks. Sidewalks are prioritized proximate to routes to schools and to provide access to City buildings. The City starts with sidewalks along main roadways and safety routes, and then move into residential areas when time and staffing allow.

Downtown Sidewalk Snow Removal

If snow accumulates over 3 inches overnight, the City's contractor clears the sidewalks of snow early in the morning. This process is only conducted in the early morning hours when sidewalks are clear of pedestrians.  Sidewalks are not cleared by the contractor throughout the day.  If snow continues to accumulate throughout the day after being cleared in the morning, property owners are responsible for shoveling their storefront sidewalk as needed.

Accessibility for All

Many people rely on walking and transit as their primary way to access jobs, services, and businesses. Without clear paths through snow and ice, it is especially difficult for people with disabilities, the elderly, and children to walk safely.

Safety for Our First Responders

Uncleared pathways make access difficult for firefighters and paramedics in cases of emergency. Assisting public services, the City's Department of Publics Services helps in clearing snow from sidewalks throughout the winter season. However, please remember their priorities are primary corridors and sidewalks proximate to schools. DPS does not have the capacity to remove snow 24/7 and subsequent snowfall may accumulate between plowing efforts and shift times. When residents promptly clear snow and ice, they play a crucial role in keeping Traverse City moving.

It's the Law

As a reminder, under City Ordinance 668.11, the removal of snow and ice from private property and the sidewalk abutting or crossing private property shall be the responsibility of the occupant of such private property. Residents who would like to report a problem related to the enforcement of the City’s snow removal ordinance, are encouraged to call Code Enforcement Officer Mike Trombley, (231) 922-4414.

Per Ordinance 668.11 - "The removal of snow and ice from private property and the sidewalk abutting or crossing private property shall be the responsibility of the occupant of such private property. However, if there is no occupant or if the occupant cannot be determined due to multiple occupancies of the property, then the responsibility shall be the owners of such private property. The removal of snow and ice from public property and the sidewalk abutting or crossing such public property shall be the responsibility of the political subdivision or governmental agency that either owns or occupies the public property."

Snow Reminder for Residents, Businesses, and Contractors: Do Not Place in Street

When clearing snow with a shovel, plow, or snowblower, please avoid pushing or placing snow into the street or alley. This creates unnecessary snow piles, increases the workload for City crews, and can result in large accumulations being pushed into other areas, potentially causing safety hazards. Instead, snow should be placed on the tree lawn, your personal property, or, for those in the downtown area, around street trees.

Let’s work together to keep our community walkable, welcoming, and safe for everyone this winter!