Industrial Pretreatment Program

Industrial Pretreatment Program

An integral component of the Clean Water Act is to ensure commercial and industrial discharges to the sewer system meet local, state, and federal requirements. The City of Traverse City oversees all commercial sewer users within the city limits and connected townships to ensure these requirements are met.

Industrial User Survey

The survey file below is part of the federally mandated Industrial Pretreatment Program, which requires us to monitor all commercial users that discharge to the regional wastewater treatment plant. This Industrial User survey is conducted periodically to identify any potential sources of pollutants that may affect our Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). 

Regardless of the nature of your wastewater discharge, please respond accurately and completely to the accompanying document. Any incomplete responses will require follow-up measures, including further mailings, phone calls, and site visits.

Please try to answer to the best of your ability and write N/A or strike through if something does not apply. Please do not leave blank answers. Annotations, additional pages, or explanations are acceptable if the space given is not enough.

If you have any questions or concerns related to the survey or commercial discharges, please contact the Traverse City Wastewater Treatment Plant at 231-922-4921 and ask for the Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator. You may also contact him at: with any queries.

Industrial Survey Form