City of Traverse City Hosting Master Plan Opportunities to Share Ideas about Neighborhoods and Key Corridors Design
The City of Traverse City is currently updating the community Master Plan, a long-range policy document used by elected and appointed community leaders to guide land-use decisions, including those related to transportation, development, housing, recreation, natural resources, arts and culture, and the economy.
The Master Plan is informed by data, land use planning best practices, and community input. The City encourages the community to inform the plan by participating in these upcoming engagement opportunities:
Virtual Neighborhood Listening Sessions
For City residents, the City is hosting two ZOOM neighborhood listening sessions on Saturday, April 22 at 9 to 10:30 am and 10:30 am to noon. These sessions are for the purpose of discovering what residents want to preserve, enhance, and transform in their neighborhoods. Find the session link at the project website:
Online Neighborhood Survey
For City residents who are unable to attend the listening sessions above, the City is hosting an online survey with the same questions. The survey is open to residents from April 21 through May 7. Take the survey at this link:
Design Workshop
Open to everyone, the City is hosting a workshop on April 26 from 4 to 6 pm at the Hickory Hills Lodge (2000 Randolph Street, Traverse City, MI 49684) to inform the design and transformation of these key locations within the City:
Munson Avenue, between the college and city limits
14th Street
Garfield Avenue
Intersection of Garfield Avenue and Eighth Street
All who work, transport, live, learn, or recreate on and/or adjacent to these areas are encouraged to attend. Ideas shared during these opportunities will inform the Master Plan priorities and goals.
“We’ve heard from over 200 neighbors during our in-person neighborhood listening sessions and the resulting “wish lists” for each neighborhood have been very helpful to understand the unique needs and hopes of each neighborhood”, says Shawn Winter, City Planning Director.