Adult Use Cannabis Applications Available June 13, 2022
City Clerk’s Office will begin accepting applications August 22, 2022
The City Clerk’s Office for the City of Traverse City will be making Adult Use Cannabis Retail applications available as of Monday, June 13, 2022. Applications will be accepted beginning August 22, 2022 at 8 am through August 26, 2022 at 5 pm. The online application will be required to be submitted electronically as provided in the application materials.
The City of Traverse City’s City Commission approved the adult use cannabis licensing and zoning ordinance and the scoring rubric at their May 16, 2022 meeting. The ordinance includes an overlay district of subareas throughout the City, which prescribes a maximum number of licenses in each subarea. The maximum number of adult use retail licenses in the City will be 24.
The application process is extensive and robust, and requires a tremendous amount of documentation which must be vetted by City departments. If the City Clerk’s Office receives more applications than licenses available, licenses will be issued using a competitive scoring process. That scoring process is intensive and analytical, which involves multiple public meetings where applicants are provided with an opportunity to make a presentation to the scoring committee. Following that, the competitive scoring takes place at a subsequent public meeting. Finally, on-site inspections are required.
The amount of license applications will determine when licenses will be fully processed and executed. At this time, it is estimated that licenses will ultimately be issued in June 2023. Once applications are received, an update on status and timeline will be issued by the City Clerk’s Office.
“We are looking forward to working with the Cannabis business community and excited about the value that they will bring to Traverse City. Our goal within the City Clerk’s Office is to process, execute, and license adult use retail establishments as quickly as possible while performing appropriate due diligence and balancing our other responsibilities,” says City Clerk Benjamin Marentette.
Once available, the Adult Use Cannabis Application may be found by visiting,
To learn more about the program and view updates, visit