Madison & Jefferson Reconstruction


Zach Cole
City Engineering


(231) 922-4492

Project Completed June 2024

The reconstruction of Madison and Jefferson consisted of replacing the existing streets with improvements to slow traffic and improve pedestrian accessibility. The project was also coordinated with water and sanitary sewer utility upgrades.

Infrastructure Improvements

This project addresses the storm water, drinking water, and sanitary systems. Sanitary improvements include new mains, upgrading from clay to new PVC. Sanitary manhole upgrades from the existing brick to precast manholes to eliminate Infiltration and Inflow (I&I). Clay sewer leads will be replaced to eliminate I&I as well.

Drinking water improvements include new water mains to replace the existing 4” and 6” main with 8”. Increasing the size will also accommodate fire flow and maintain capacity as recommended by the current Water System Reliability Study. New water services to upgrade all services to 1” copper between the curb stop and the main. Replacement of known and unknown steel lines between the curb stop and the house for conformance to the State of Michigan Lead and Copper Rule.

Stormwater improvements include the reduction of impervious surface in the two streets by narrowing the street and reduced crossing distances at the intersections bulb outs. The work includes nature based treatment for the first flush of storm events, to address target pollutants of sediments and surfactants as recommended in the city’s 2017 Stormwater Management Plan(SMP), and provides treatment of 75% of all storm events. Treatment solutions include the use of Bio-Swales, Leaching Basins, Dry Wells, Infiltration Trenches, and Outlet Covers, as identified in the SMP.

Increased Tree Canopy

The City will maintain the urban tree canopy with the inclusion of 27 street trees in the project scope fill in areas where street trees would be most appropriate to provide for the Formal Residential Character identified in the current Master Plan.  


This project inclused sidewalk on the north side of Jefferson to match the Formal Residential Street as described in the Traverse City Street Design Manual as well as City Commission's previous goals of goals addressing sidewalk gap and infills. Crossing widths at the intersections are reduced on Madison to encourage shorter pedestrian crossing distances. Speed tables were included on Madison to discourage excessive speeds within the long blocks. Parking was moved to the east side only on Madison to enhance mobility where sidewalks are most accessible.

Proposed character designs by street include:

Madison Street: Front to Wayne

  • Parking limited on the east side
  • ​The implementation of drywells, drainage swales, and outlet covers for stormwater treatment
  • New sanitary mains
  • New watermains and services

Jefferson Ave: Fulton to Elmwood

  • Fulton to Madison will be 28-foot (4 - foot shoulders)
  • The implementation of drywells, and outlet covers for stormwater treatment
  • New sanitary mains
  • New watermains and services

Proposed Plans

Public Engagement

The Engineering and Planning Department has held various meetings with the Slabtown Neighborhood Association (SNA) and directly affected homeowners. These meetings allowed the Planning and Engineering Departments to weigh discussion points for the various tools to clean stormwater runoff, street width desires, and impacts to the street tree lawn. The Departments have collaborated with the County Drain Commissioner and the SNA regarding the water issues within the East side of the 400 block of Madison Street for a Low Impact Design solution.


The project total is approximately $4 million. 

Funding Sources:

Sewer Fund: $1,167,000

Water Fund: $1,540,700

Capital Projects for Street Reconstruction: $1,162,500

Parks Tree Fund: $46,700