MDOT Grandview Parkway Project


James Johnson


(231) 941-1986

Project Completion

October 2024

MDOT Grandview Parkway Reconstruction: Completed October 2024

The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is planning to rebuild a section of US-31/M-72/M-37 (Grandview Parkway) in Traverse City from South Garfield Avenue to Division Street in 2024.The Grandview Parkway Reconstruction project is not a City project due to the Grandview Parkway trunkline being owned by MDOT. However, due to significant impact on the City and community interest, updates as received, were placed on this project page. 

Project Overview

MDOT plans to rebuild a 2-mile section of Grandview Parkway/Front Street in 2024 between Garfield Avenue and Division Street. This project will result in operational enhancements at the intersections of Division Street, Hall Street, Front Street, and Peninsula Drive, drainage improvements, Americans with Disabilities Act review and upgrades, repairs to the Murchie Bridge over the Boardman River, and new signs and pavement markings. 

The major project is anticipated to begin in March 2024 and will be divided into two segments. The first segment, Garfield Avenue to Front Streets is expected to take place from March 2024 to July 2024. The second segment, Front Street to Division Street is expected to take place from July 2024 to November 2024.

In addition, the City is planning utility infrastructure improvements to coincide with the project.  In addition, the City of Traverse City is investing $3.2 million to replace underground water and wastewater utilities as part of the project which include the following.

  • $3.2 million investment in utility upgrades
    • New 12" watermain replacing 6"
    • Sewer upgrades, removing 9" and routing to 24"
    • Eliminating joints in water service lines in highway

Maps & Detours

Project Location


Commercial Detour

Segment 2 Southern Half - Pedestrian Detour

Segment 2 Northern Half - Pedestrian Detour

Segment 2 Division Street - Pedestrian Detour

Public Transit - Let BATA do the Driving

Project Background and City Correspondence

On May 16, 2022, the City Commission adopted a resolution approving a letter of understanding between the City of Traverse City and MDOT regarding the reconstruction of US-31 from Division Street to Garfield Avenue. 

The City engaged a consultant to facilitate weekly meetings with MDOT, City and DDA staff members as well as representatives from community stakeholder organizations to develop and coalesce on a design for Grandview Parkway that both represents the desires and preferences of the community and fits within the regulatory framework and design limitations of MDOT.

May 16, 2022 Presentation

The most current design for the Grandview Parkway Corridor has significant changes from the original that the City and DDA have advocated, such as the following: 

  • Division Street: Pedestrian crossing on west side. East side having left-turn going south, two-lane and northbound right turns going east
  • All crosswalks across the roadway are 12-feet wide • Protected pedestrian crossings
  • Oak Street: Widen crosswalk to 12-feet and obliquely angle the crosswalk to be safer for pedestrians/bicyclists, which naturally guides people to look at oncoming traffic
  • Hall Street: Shortening of Hall Street crosswalks for pedestrians, shortened due to the inclusion of bump outs
  • Westbound left-hand turn lane on Grandview Parkway, turning south onto Hall Street
  • Median extended from west to east in front of volley ball courts allows additional safety pedestrian space. Move Hawk-Light to median near Hall Street
  • Original plan in front of Indigo Hotel showed a wider vehicular travel lane – which has now been narrowed approx. ½-foot to allow additional sidewalk width in front of the hotel
  • Union Street: Widen crosswalks, utilize audible pedestrian signals.
  • Lot T & B driveway closed along Grandview Parkway. Use sidewalk along river's edge on the southside of the parking lots vs. along parking lot. Future redevelopment of these lots will look to incorporate improved pedestrian connections
  • Signal light phase would allow dedicated left hand turn at Union and Marina - currently none
  • Pedestrian crosswalks on both sides at Park Street
  • Left-hand turn lanes westbound on the Parkway to southbound on Park Street
  • Murchie Bridge trail separation: due to horizontal and vertical deflection could not move lane to the south. Existing guardrail is to be extended westward. 
  • Impact of narrowing of lanes on medians – will required a dubbed down curb for equipment/maintenance access
  • E. Front St: Realignment and entrance to downtown with two brand new 12 ft. crosswalks on both sides, dedicated left turn westbound, no more free flow traffic westbound. This will force the vehicles to stop, slowing free flow and creating traffic calming, including installation of audible pedestrian signals.
  • Removal of eastbound deceleration lane going into Plante Moran to their structure, parking is eliminated
  • Left-turn lane for Delamar Hotel, eastbound - safety benefit due to curve in road
  • MDOT placing water quality systems at Rose Street and Barlow Street for stormwater
  • Throughout this project MDOT to install dry wells and treatment systems to support stormwater quality improvements
  • Barlow corner property: Close one ingress/egress - empty lot
  • South of Senior Center: Access to gravel lot closed to ingress/egress
  • Peninsula Drive: Benefit of geometric realignment making it safer. This is a more teed- up (narrower) intersection vs. angle. [Includes provision of lefthand lane eastbound onto Peninsula Drive, which has no left hand turn, but includes pedestrian refuge island. Create lane eastbound of pedestrian refuge island for customers to be able to get to businesses. Installation of signage to prohibit through traffic on Peninsula Drive
  • Traffic stacking lane: approach lengthened on Front Street to Garfield Street moving traffic north on M-37.

1947 Agreement

City of Traverse City Third Party Attorney Legal Opinion on 1947 Agreement

The City of Traverse acquired outside counsel to provide a legal opinion on whether a 1947 agreement between the City and MDOT, stating that both parties shall agree to changes involved in the Grandview Parkway, was still valid, and if the City has an obligation to approve the design of the project before the Grandview Parkway reconstruction can be executed. It is the City's third party attorney’s opinion that the agreement is valid.  

MDOT has been a critical partner over the years on aging infrastructure improvements throughout the City. Similarly, we expect to work with them on this project and come to an agreement that will satisfy both parties.