Strategic Planning

City Manager


(231) 922-4440

Project Timeline

Start: Fall 2024 

Anticipated Completion:
Spring 2025


The City of Traverse City is embarking on a community driven Strategic Action Plan, looking out to 2030, designed to build on the City’s current success and chart a sustainable course for the future. This community-driven initiative will run from October 2024 through May 2025, with the goal of producing a robust, comprehensive and sustainable Strategic Action Plan that will guide City programs and investments over the coming years. 

The Strategic Action Planning process will be inclusive, transparent, and forward-looking, with extensive research and community engagement that focuses on the community of Traverse City. This research and engagement will identify the current and future needs, as well as exploring the potential future of the City, looking out to 2030.

Community Engagment

Strategic Round Table Session: January 21, 2025

The Strategic Round Table session will be a highly interactive session that will help create the key strategic focus areas for the Traverse City Strategic Action Plan. The session is open to community, and it is the next important step in the planning work. The session will include an update on the outcomes from the Think-Tank held in October 2024 and the Community Visioning session held in November 2024. Preliminary results from the Community Survey will also be reviewed. The purpose of the session is to identify 5-6 key strategic focus areas that will support the preferred future for the City of Traverse City. The session will include initial brainstorming of ideas and possible action steps. More in-depth focus groups workshops, which will dig more into detail, will be held during the period February 18-20, 2025. 

Strategic Round Table Session
January 21, 2025
West Shore Bank Community Room
400 E. Eighth Street, 3rd Floor
1 - 3 pm

Register to Attend

Community Survey #1

The first community survey for the Strategic Action Plan project is now available. Its primary goal is to gather insights on the community’s desired future direction to inform the development of the Strategic Plan. The survey is designed for residents of City of Traverse City and individuals with a direct connection to the community. It seeks to understand their perspectives on life in Traverse City and their vision for the City's future.

Take the Survey

Fall 2024 Community Engagement Report

A Think Tank Report has been completed and summarizes the findings of a Think-Tank workshop and Community Visioning sessions that were part of Traverse City's Strategic Action Plan process thus far. It outlines each key step in the planning, beginning with background exploration and analysis. The process involved "future gazing," where stakeholders considered various possible directions for the city's future and assessed their potential impacts and consequences. From this, participants identified an optimal or preferred future, providing a foundation for determining actionable steps to achieve that vision. The report serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding community priorities and will inform the strategic pathways to meet them.

Think Tank Report

Heatmap Survey Data Visualization Platform

Key Elements of the Strategic Action Planning Process 

The planning process will involve extensive research, data collection, and community engagement, with a special focus on identifying both current and future needs. As part of the initiative, the City will prioritize collaboration with residents and community collaborators to define its long-term vision.

The Strategic Action Plan process will focus on community engagement through the following activities:

•    Communication strategies to inform the community 
•    Community Partner Interviews
•    Traverse City Future Think-Tank Workshop and Report 
•    Community Surveys 
•    Strategic Pillar stakeholder Roundtable Session
•    Focus Groups with specified community groups to build out the Strategic Pillars
•    Production of the Community Dashboard/Balanced Scorecard
•    Production of the final Traverse City Strategic Action Plan

The City of Traverse City has contracted with Future iQ to facilitate the development of the plan. 

Timeline and Next Steps
The planning process will take place over eight months, beginning in October 2024 and concluding in May 2025 with the finalization of the Traverse City Strategic Action Plan. Key milestones will include the release of a Situational Assessment Report and a Traverse City Think-Tank Report that will inform the final plan.

Strategic Planning Proposal

Future iQ