Board of Zoning Appeals


To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged by the applicant that there is an error in any order, requirement, etc. made by the Building Official, Zoning Administrator, etc. in administering or enforcing the provision of Ordinance. To interpret provisions of Ordinance. To authorize variances and exceptions.

Email the BZA questions and concerns at 

Meeting Schedule
The Board of Zoning Appeals meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month in the Governmental Center, 2nd Floor Committee Room unless otherwise noted, with some exceptions due to holidays.


All appointments are 3-year terms expiring 6/30. Appointments are made by City Commission. The board consists of 9 members:

  • At least one member shall also be member of the City Planning Commission
  • The City Commission shall appoint 2 alternate members for 3-yr terms

Staff Liaison:

David Weston
Planning & Zoning Administrator

(231) 922-4464

Email the BZA

Board Members

Jeff Cockfield, Chairperson
1621 Comanche St, TC, 49686
(231) 218-4986
Initial Apt. Date: 12/16/2002
Termination: 06/30/2025

Ashley Thompson
335 East Bay Blvd, TC, 49686
(734) 355-3761
Initial Apt. Date: 07/03/2017
Termination: 06/30/2027

Kyle Norman
119 N. Oak St., TC, 49686
(616) 826-8161
Initial Apt. Date: 01/21/2025
Termination: 06/30/27


Gerald DeGrazia
11604 Whittington Street, TC, 49684
Initial Apt. Date: 05/06/2024
Termination: 06/30/2026

Steve Stannard
1016 Peninsula Dr, TC, 49686
(443) 540-7654
Initial Apt. Date: 04/17/2017
Termination: 06/30/2027

Matt Hanley 
515 W. 9th St, TC, 49684
(231) 218-3346
Initial Apt. Date: 03/17/2014
(08/05/2013 as an alternate member)
Termination: 06/30/2027

Debbie Hershey (Planning Rep)
305 E Eighth St, TC, 49684
231-350-2144 (Cell)
Initial Apt. Date: 08/07/2023
Termination: 06/30/2024

Mary Mills
424 N. Elmwood Ave, TC, 49686
(231) 590-6927
Initial Apt. Date: 01/21 /2025
Termination: 06/30/27

Merek Roman
517 Third St., TC, 49686
(231) 590-2434
Initial Apt. Date: 09/06/22 
Termination: 06/30/25

Paul Wilkins
610 N. Madison St., TC, 49686
(313) 670-8737
Initial Apt. Date: 01/21/2025
Termination: 06/30/27

Mitchell Treadwell (Alternate Member)
620 W. 7th St., TC, 49684
(231) 409-4819
Initial Apt. Date: 02/01/2021
Termination: 06/30/2027