Brownfield Redevelopment Authority


The Grand Traverse County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Board prepares Brownfield plans for concurrence by local governing bodies and approval by the County Board; and oversees administration of brownfield plans and activities. 

Meeting Schedule
This board typically meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 8:00 a.m. and is managed by Grand Traverse County.


This is a 3-year term, City Commission appointment, subject to approval by the Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners. 

The composition of this nine-member board is as follows:

  • County Treasurer (1)
  • County Commissioner (1)
  • County Administrator or designee (1)
  • City Commissioner representative (1)
  • Township Representative (does not have to be elected) (1)
  • City citizens at-large (2) – to be appointed by the City Commission, with confirmation by the Grand Traverse County Board
  • County citizens at-large (2)

Staff Liaison:

Ann Jamieson - Urena
Grand Traverse County

(248) 762-8701