Local Officers Compensation Commission


The Commission shall determine the salaries of such local elected officials, which determination shall be the salaries unless the legislative body, by resolution adopted by twothirds (2/3) of the members elected to and serving on the legislative body, rejects them. The Commission shall also make recommendation regarding the compensation of local appointed officials who hold positions on boards, commissions, and committees under the jurisdiction of the City Commission.

Creation of the Local Officers Compensation Commission authorized by Section 276.01 of the Traverse City Code of Ordinances.

Meeting Schedule
This commission meets every oddnumbered year.


There is currently two vacancies on this Commission. To be eligible a person must be a registered elector of the City. The person shall also not be a member or employee of the legislative, judicial or executive branch of any level of government or a member of the immediate family of such member or employee shall be eligible to be a member. All interested individuals should complete the Application to Become Involved and submit it to the City Clerk's Office. 

Staff Liaison: 

Benjamin Marentette
City Clerk


Board Members

Vacant Seat

Termination: 04/26/2023

Kate Greene 
333 Sixth St., TC, 49684
(231) 409-9175
Initial Apt. Date: 03/02/2020
Termination: 04/26/2025

Benson Munger
1291 Lake Ridge Circle, TC, 49684
(231) 486-6161
Initial Apt. Date: 06/01/2015 
Termination: 04/26/2024

Mike Coco
855 E. State St., TC, 49686
(614) 325-1079
Initial Apt. Date: 02/21/2017 
Termination: 04/26/2027

Vacant Seat

Termination: 04/26/2022