Parks & Recreation Commission


to make recommendations (advisory capacity) to the City Commission on matters relating to the operation, development, and planning of parks, recreation and cemetery services and activities.

Meeting Schedule
Meets the 1st Thursday each month at 6:30 pm in the Commission Chambers.


All appointments are 3-year terms expiring 09/01.

This Commission consists of 7 members who are registered electors of the City. One member is the City Manager or designee, the other 6 are appointed by the City Commission.

Staff Liaison:

Michelle Hunt
Parks and Recreation Superintendent

(231) 922-4910

Board Members

Scott Morey
603 S. Union St., TC 49684
(231) 360-0226
Initial Apt. Date: 09/16/2019
Termination: 09/01/2025

Evan Dalley, Chairperson
444 Cass St. Ste. 307, TC, 49684
(231) 620-3826
Initial Apt. Date: 06/04/2018
Termination: 09/01/2024

Paul Wilkins
610 N. Madison St., TC 49684
(313) 607-8537
Initial Apt. Date: 03/18/2024
Termination: 09/01/2026

Tina Soyring
519 Fifth St., TC 49684
(231) 342-7774
Initial Apt. Date: 03/18/2024
Termination: 09/01/2026

Jennifer Loup
537 Cromwell Dr., TC, 49684
(231) 392-3253
Initial Apt. Date: 09/07/2021
Termination: 09/01/2025

Gerald DeGrazia
11604 Whittington St., TC, 49684
(937) 902-8415
Initial Apt. Date: 03/18/2024
Termination: 09/01/2026

Julie Hunko
1016 Peninsula Dr, TC 49686
(240) 460-9171
Initial Apt. Date: 09/07/2021
Termination: 09/01/2024