Geographical Information Systems


(231) 922-4410


City of Traverse City
400 Boardman Avenue
Traverse City, MI 49684
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Jerry Swanson

GIS & IT Administrator

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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) integrate spatial data (maps) and tabular data (informational databases) through computer technology. In doing so, it revolutionizes the way in which we can utilize information. 

Traverse City GIS (TCGIS) manages various datasets within the city's jurisdiction including tax parcels, street centerlines, imagery, utility data, planning, and zoning layers, and strives to maintain accurate data to increase efficiency, save time, and inform decisions makers. TCGIS also assists the public to view and access various data from interactive web maps along with digital and paper maps.

TCGIS utilizes GIS servers to share spatial data across numerous platforms including web maps, tablets, smartphones, and desktop applications. As the City adapts to changing technology, TCGIS is deploying more user-friendly solutions to both City Staff and the public. 
