Planning, Zoning & Code Enforcement


(231) 922-4778


8:00 am–4:00 pm
Excluding Most Federal Holidays


City of Traverse City
Planning & Zoning Department
400 Boardman Avenue
Traverse City, MI 49684
View Map

Shawn Winter

Planning Director
(231) 922-4465

Leslie Sickterman

Deputy Planning Director / Sustainability Coordinator
(231) 922-4411

Dave Weston

Planning & Zoning Administrator
(231) 922-4464

Mike Trombley

Code Enforcement Officer
(231) 922-4414

Katie Miller

Planning Assistant
(231) 922-4778

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The Planning & Zoning Department is responsible preparing the City's Master Plan, which influences the regulations and standards in the zoning ordinance and any future changes to it, they are responsibel for zoning districts and appropriate enforced regulations, code enforcement, and approval of site plans.

In addition, the Planning Department administers the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) by working with all City Departments on project submissions and coordinating reports.

Pre-Application Development Meeting

Prior to developing a formal site plan review application, the City encourages those interested in a project to schedule a free pre-application development meeting. If you already have a location identified and a project defined, then please contact the Planning and Zoning Administrator listed above. Be prepared to bring the following:

  • Property location (address or parcel ID)
  • Project narrative or explanation
  • Conceptual sketch plan roughly indicating the locations of lot lines, building placement, parking areas, and rights-of-way with appropriate dimensions.

If a project is more conceptual in nature without an identified location, a pre-application development meeting can still be requested. There are no materials required in this case, and the meeting will serve to provide direction and guidance.

How Are We Doing? 

Please take our 5 minute Customer Feedback Survey and let us know how the City of Traverse City Planning Department is doing.
