Redevelopment Ready Community
To be vibrant and competitive, Michigan communities must be ready for development. This involves planning for new investment and reinvestment, identifying assets and opportunities, and focusing limited resources. Redevelopment Ready Communities attract and retain businesses, offer superior customer service and have a streamlined development approval process making pertinent information available around-the-clock for anyone to view.
The City became certified as a Redevelopment Ready Community through the State of Michigan in 2019. The program measures and then certifies communities that integrate transparency, predictability and efficiency into their daily development practices. The RRC certification is a formal recognition that your community has a vision for the future - and the fundamental practices in place to get there.
RRC Marketing Strategy
Development Guides
- Residential Development and Construction Guide
- Commercial, Industrial, and Multi-Family Development and Construction Guide
- Land Use Ordinance Matrix
Public Participation
Site Plan Approval Process
Redevelopment Parcels
Economic Element (of the Traverse City Master Plan)
- Economic Element Approved by the City Commission on April 18, 2011
Economic Analysis
Traverse City and Grand Traverse County Analytic Project
Urban3, a firm specializing in conducting economic analyses for communities’ tax bases, has been hired to conduct an economic analysis of Traverse City and Grand Traverse County tax bases on a per-acre basis. Their work would include the relative potency of land uses and the creation of 2-D and 3-D graphics. Joe Minicozzi, Principal at Urban3 would present the findings of this analysis to the City Commission, various boards, and the community. Project analysis will consider the following:
- The relative economic potency of land uses and the creation of 2D and 3D graphics
- The delivery of those models to your planning department
- An isolated analysis of various land use patterns within your community
- Comparative analysis of your municipality within your County
- Presentations of the models and PowerPoint to your community, audiences determined by client: October 10-11 presentation (large file!); Video link
- An online “StoryMap” website will contain all graphics created as part of your analysis and an executive-level narrative to complement the graphic. This will tell your community’s economic “story”.