Frequently Asked Questions

Planning & Zoning Frequently Asked Questions

The Planning Department FAQ page is intended to expedite business by explaining the answers to frequently asked questions. Please contact our office if you have further questions.





Does the City have a fence ordinance?

No. Fences less than 7 feet in height can be constructed without any permit. Fences 7-feet in height or taller require a land use and building permit. 

Can I install a shed in my backyard?

Yes, accessory buildings less than 200 square feet in size do not require a building permit, but must be located in the rear yard and not closer than 4 feet from the side and rear lot lines.

Do I need a sign permit?

Most signs in the City require a permit. The ordinance section that deals with signs can be found here. The permit for a sign permit is $50 and the application can be found here.

Am I in a Historic District?

There are three designated historic districts: the Boardman Neighborhood Historic District, Central Neighborhood Historic District, and the Downtown Historic District. Please click on this map to see the Historic District boundaries. For information on the Historic District Commission, click here.

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