Common Parking Ordinances

Overnight Parking

Ordinance 410.04, Section D

(i) From November 16 through the following April 14, vehicles found parked on any street or alley between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. may be towed at the owner’s expense.

(ii) From April 15 through November 15, overnight parking between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. is allowed on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday mornings only on any street where parking is otherwise allowed….

Meter Violations and Overtime Meter Violations (Meter Coining)

Ordinance 484.04, Sections A-C

(a)…whenever a vehicle is parked in the space adjacent to a parking meter, the operator of the vehicle shall activate the meter by depositing in the meter a United States coin of a denomination indicated on the parking meter legend… The parking meters must be activated from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday except holidays and except such other times or circumstances as designated by the City Manager.

(b) Overtime parking. No person shall leave any vehicle in any metered parking place when the meters must be activated for longer than the time indicated on the parking meter…. No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in a parking meter coin for the purpose of increasing or extending the parking time of any vehicle beyond the legal parking time which had been established for the parking space adjacent to the parking meter. It shall be a separate offense to park at a metered space for each period of time equal to the maximum allowed on the meter.

(c) A person who violated this section is responsible for a civil infraction subject to the fine indicated in Section 488.06.

Twelve or more meter violations in a calendar year

(38) Parking beyond time allowed on meter – 12 or more violations within one-year period (Codified Ordinance Section 484.04) will result in a fine of $75.00 per violation for the remainder of that calendar year.

Parking Structure Short Money

Per local ordinance 480.06 Parking garage regulations. Any person who parks a motor vehicle in any Public Parking Facility, shall pay the rates duly established for such parking before removing said vehicle from the parking facility. Parking a vehicle in a parking garage without use of access control device for entrance and exit shall be a violation of this code, unless the driver shall pay the regular hourly rates.

488.06 Schedule of Fines (39) Parking Garage Short Money violation

Access Controlled Parking Facilities

Per local ordinance 480.05 Access controlled parking facilities. When it is deemed appropriate for operating efficiency, patrons of public parking facilities may be assigned and granted a temporary possession of an access control device (See 483.01(7)). Any person to whom an access control device is assigned may employ the device to gain access to a public parking facility only if he or she is an occupant of the entering vehicle, and further provided that no person shall permit more than one vehicle, admitted by the same access control device, to be parked in a public parking facility at the same time.

Required information for obtaining a parking permit

Per local ordinance 485.03 In order to be eligible for a parking permit, the following shall be supplied by the registered vehicle owner: (1) Motor vehicle registration issued by the State of Michigan Secretary of State’s Office, (2) Other relevant information requested to verify eligibility.