City Utility Bill Separation Coming December 2022

October 13, 2022

City Utility Bill Separation Coming December 2022

One Bill Becomes Two

Going into effect with the December 2022 billing cycle, utility customers with the City of Traverse City will receive a water/sewer bill from the City and an electric and TCLPfiber (for those who have subscribed) bill from Traverse City Light & Power.  The current bill that contains all utilities on one, will become two. 

Both entities are upgrading to new utility billing systems with increased user-friendly customer portals and service offerings. The separation of the billing systems will create operational efficiencies and ease of the customer’s ability to read and understand their utility usage.

“TCLP’s goal is to offer excellent customer service,” said TCLP Executive Director Brandie Ekren. “Not only will the new billing systems improve the customer’s ability to read and understand usage, the enhanced functionality is foundational in our drive to improve the customer experience.”

In Person Payments
Payments may be made at each respective location, i.e. City of Traverse City Treasurer office (400 Boardman Avenue) and TCLP Service Center (1131 Hastings Street). Each location will continue to have drop box.

Payment by Mail
Payments will need to be separate and directed to each respective location.

Automatic Payment
Customers that currently are on the automatic payment program will continue. However, customers will need to re-enroll in both the City customer portal and TCLP’s customer portal.

“The City and TCLP are working together to make the utility bill separation transition as efficient as possible," says City Manager Marty Colburn. "The upgraded utility systems for both entities will continue to improve the customer experience and offer more opportunities for payment options, and the ability to better monitor consumption."

The first cycle of separated utility bills will come in the mail for all customers. There will be no electronic statements. Instructions will be included on how to read your bill as well as how to enroll in the new customer portals.

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