Upcoming Meetings
Meetings & Minutes
The City’s Boards and Commissions have converted to our digital management platform, iCompass. If you are seeking meeting materials prior to the conversion, you may contact the City Clerk’s Office at (231) 922-4480 or tcclerk@traversecitymi.gov.
Minutes for the City Commission meetings are published on the portal once approved, typically within two weeks following the given meeting. Draft minutes of a meeting are available from the City Clerk's Office within eight days following a given meeting.
View Live Streamed Meetings
A number of the City’s public meetings are live-streamed and can be viewed while the meeting is in session.
View Meeting Recordings
A number of the City’s public meetings are recorded and can be viewed within a few days of the meeting conclusion.
- Feb10Human Rights Commission
- Feb10City Commission Study Session
- Feb11TCLP Meeting
- Feb11Board of Zoning Appeals
- Feb12Complete Streets Ad Hoc Committee
- Feb18City Commission Regular Meeting
- Feb19Planning Commission Study Session
- Feb19Arts Commission
- Feb21Downtown Development Authority Regular Meeting
- Feb24City Commission Study Session
- Feb25ACT 345 Retirement System
- Feb26Housing Commission
- Feb27Historic Districts Commission
- Mar03City Commission Regular Meeting
- Mar04Planning Commission Regular Meeting
- Mar05Recreational Authority Board
- Mar06Parks and Recreation Commission
- Mar06Coast Guard City Committee
- Mar10Human Rights Commission
- Mar10City Commission Study Session
- Mar11TCLP Meeting
- Mar11Board of Zoning Appeals
- Mar12Complete Streets Ad Hoc Committee
- Mar14Downtown Development Authority Regular Meeting
- Mar17City Commission Regular Meeting
- Mar17Farmers Market Advisory Board
- Mar18Planning Commission Study Session
- Mar19Arts Commission
- Mar20Brown Bridge Advisory Committee
- Mar24City Commission Study Session
- Mar25ACT 345 Retirement System
- Mar26Housing Commission
- Mar27Historic Districts Commission
- Mar31Downtown Development Authority Governance Committee
- Apr01Planning Commission Regular Meeting
- Apr02Recreational Authority Board
- Apr03Parks and Recreation Commission
- Apr03Coast Guard City Committee
- Apr04Downtown Development Authority Finance Committee
- Apr07City Commission Regular Meeting
- Apr08TCLP Meeting
- Apr08Board of Zoning Appeals